Popular Live Running Trains

Train Start Date Location Delay
09009 Udn - Spj Holi Special 07 September, 2024 Sangmeshwar 03 Hrs 22 Mins
19020 Dehradun - Mumbai Bandra T Exp 07 September, 2024 Mathura 01 Hr 45 Mins
05283 Mhi Jyg Special 07 September, 2024 Behtagokal 01 Hr 06 Mins
06553 YPR-TK DEMU SPL 07 September, 2024 Ghatprabha 02 Mins
12618 Delhi H Nizamuddin - Ernakulam Mangala Lakshadweep Exp 07 September, 2024 Budni 04 Hrs 04 Mins
01181 Cstm Muv Special 07 September, 2024 Vinhere 01 Hr 14 Mins
15013 Jaisalmer - Kathgodam Ranikhet Exp 07 September, 2024 Ghaziabad On Time
12903 Mumbai Cent - Amritsar Golden Temple Mail 06 September, 2024 Rohana Kalan 06 Hrs 10 Mins
17651 Chennai Egmore - Kacheguda Exp 07 September, 2024 Cuddapah 30 Mins
01167 Ltt Swv Special 07 September, 2024 Diva 01 Hr 08 Mins
06620 KTE-ET MEMU 07 September, 2024 Pipariya 02 Hrs 10 Mins
09321 Festival Special 07 September, 2024 Antah 01 Hr 46 Mins
15909 New Tinsukia - Lalgarh Avadh Assam Exp 07 September, 2024 Guwahati 50 Mins
22307 Howrah - Bikaner Sf Express 06 September, 2024 Biwai 43 Mins
19038 Gorakhpur - Mumbai Bandra Avadh Exp 07 September, 2024 Bindaura 39 Mins
14318 Dehradun - Indore Exp 07 September, 2024 Panihar 03 Hrs 05 Mins
03360 BSB-BRKA MEMU 07 September, 2024 Ray 04 Hrs 05 Mins
07355 Ns Sc Special 07 September, 2024 Monr 03 Mins
12808 Delhi H Nizamuddin - Visakhapatnam Samata Exp 07 September, 2024 Powarkheda 03 Hrs 13 Mins
04032 Panipat Jn - Old Delhi Express (spl) 07 September, 2024 Gonda 06 Hrs 26 Mins
05672 STT-ET FAST PASSENGER SPL 06 September, 2024 Gaya 04 Hrs 27 Mins
07525 SGUJ-NBQ DMU 07 September, 2024 Dangtal 02 Hrs 00 Min
11060 Chhapra - Mumbai Ltt Godan Exp 07 September, 2024 Majhiari 04 Hrs 34 Mins
18237 Bilaspur - Amritsar Chhattisgarh Exp 07 September, 2024 Kalmeshwar 01 Min
04021 PNBE-ANVT SPL 07 September, 2024 Bara-gopal 28 Mins
16337 Okha - Ernakulam Exp 07 September, 2024 Vapi 01 Hr 34 Mins
16346 Trivandrum - Mumbai Ltt Netravati Exp 07 September, 2024 Kasaragod 01 Hr 44 Mins
11019 Mumbai Cst - Bhubaneswar Konark Exp 07 September, 2024 Boroti On Time
General questions
Live Train Running Status is a system created for Indian Railways Passengers using which one can Check the IRCTC Train Status Live / Train Running time Status in Real Time. Running Status offers the fastest way to check the Live Train Status and spot your train for all Indian Railways Trains, On RunningStatus.IN you can get all the details train status live, platform number on which the train is arriving, expected time of arrival, expected time of departure, next upcoming station, current location of the train and all intermediate station information.
Which checking the Live Train Running Status for your Train you must select the date on which your Train is departed from its source station. For example: If your Train reaches to your station on the third day from the date it is departed from its source station, then you must select the date on which it was departed from its source station.
When a train Departs from its source stations it provide updates of its departure from source and all arriving and departing stations via GPS system which now every train is equiped with, because of which we get to know the details like the current train location, speed of the train, current delay of the train and other available information.
As when the train is about to arrive to a station the platform number is decided by the station master based on the previous arrival of the train and current traffic of trains on the station which were running late and arrived late at the stations and sometime its not updated in the railway system because of which we do not get to see the platform number while checking the live train running status. Also this is only applicable for major Junction stations as of now because the system to update the real time platform is not available to smaller stations.
#StationDelayAct. Arr.Act. Dep.